
Monday, July 16, 2012

Welcome to my blog! As a political wonk and enthusiast I enjoy breaking down what's going on in Washington. This blog will serve as a platform to voice my personal views but also contrast opinions held by both sides of the aisle.

First item of business: Who will Romney choose as VP?

Condi seemed like a good way to get rid of negative publicity surrounding Bain- no way Jose  she'll be on the ticket.
What an elegant face! Paul Ryan would fortify Romney's  economic credentials and offer the Romney team a viable and clear fiscal path to sell to voters. The Congressman's plan, which cuts heavily on entitlements and lowers tax rates into two distinct brackets, would also appeal to the conservative base. 

Rob Portman would certainly give Mittens an advantage in Ohio- a critical swing state. Downsides: he advised Bush junior and is the antithesis of crowd-exciter.

Paws, on the other hand, has name recognition from the primaries and a stellar record in Minnesota. Although Minnesota runs consistently blue in the generals, Paws would counterbalance Mittster's blatant eliteness. After all, he was the son of a truck driver and attended a state university. Downside: antithesis of crowd pleaser as well.

Other potential veeps: Governor Jindal, Governor McDonnell, Senator Marco Rubio. 

My guess: Either Portman, Ryan, or Pawlenty. Dullness at the podium is not necessarily a problem considering the tragic failures of Palin 2008. Let's see how this plays out! The Romney team said a candidate will likely be chosen and publicized this upcoming week. 

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