
Wednesday, December 18, 2013

X Chromosomes in 2016

The 2016 presidential election is approaching faster than we care to acknowledge and it's about time for an alpha female to sit in the Oval Office. America has had a long affair with Hillary Clinton. Her loyal followers are pining to see Bill as First Man. I'll admit to hopping onto this bandwagon. But what about some other ladies that are rocking the political scene? Is it too naive to ask for multiple X chromosomes on the 2016 ticket? Here's a quick preview at some possible female presidential candidates, barring no major political gaffes in the next three years. This is wishful thinking- but thinking nonetheless. Here are four women - two conservative and two liberal, who have enough political capital to at least be thought of for 2016.

1. Michelle Bachmann

Age: 57

Party: Republican

Current Title: Congresswoman for Minnesota's 6th district

Experience: Minnesota State Senator, candidate in the 2012 presidential election, attorney for the IRS

Key Issues and Stances: pro creationism, long time friend of Israel, pro increased drilling of oil and natural gas, pro life, anti same sex marriage, anti-DREAM act (strict on immigration), pro phasing out Social Security and Medicare,

Interesting Fact: Bachmann has been dubbed the "Queen of the Tea Party"

2. Nancy Pelosi

Age: 73

Party: Democrat

Current Title: House Minority Leader

Experience: DSCC Finance Chair, Speaker of the House

Key Issues and Stances: pro choice, anti offshore oil drilling, pro Affordable Care Act, pro same sex marriage, supports marijuana law reform, opposes water boarding, pro No Child Left Behind

Interesting Fact: Pelosi is one of the richest members of Congress with an estimated net worth of 58 million dollars.

3. Nikki Haley

Age: 41

Party: Republican

Current Title: Governor of South Carolina

Experience: FCR Corporation, Exotica International, Chamber of Commerce, South Carolina House of Representatives

Key Issues and Stances: pro lower taxes and anti legislation (fiscally conservative), strict on immigration, pro life

Interesting Fact: Haley was born and raised as a Sikh.

4. Elizabeth Warren

Age: 64

Party: Democrat

Current Title: US Senator to Massachusetts

Experience: law professor, TARP oversight committee, Consumer Financial Protection Bureau
Key Stances and Issues: fiscally liberal, pro clean, renewable energy, pro Affordable Care Act, pro same sex marriage

Interesting Fact: Warren has published 8 books.

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