
Saturday, February 15, 2014

Virginia is (for all) Lovers

Finally! Virginia's ridiculous constitutional amendment banning same sex marriage was declared void by a federal judge on the eve of Valentine's Day. Virginia is the first southern state to take this step towards legalization of same sex marriage. Here's a brief overview of the history of LGBT rights in my home state:

  • in 2006 the Virginia General Assembly ratified a constitutional amendment that banned same sex marriage
  • in mid-2013 two lawsuits were filed in federal court challenging Virginia's ban on same-sex marriage
  • in January 2014 newly elected Attorney General Mark Herring filed a brief stating the state's reversal in the lawsuit in Norfolk: "The Attorney General has concluded that Virginia's laws denying the right to marry to same-sex couples violate the Fourteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution." 
  • Governor Terry McAuliffe, also a recently elected Democrat, backed Herring's refusal to defend the ban
  • a federal court decision in Bostic v. Rainey on February 13, 2014, found Virginia's ban on same-sex marriage unconstitutional, but stayed enforcement of that decision pending appeal
And here's some more info on Bostic v. Rainey:
  • The plaintiffs in the case are Tim Bostic and Tony London who live in Norfolk and have been together for 24 years
  • They are joined by Carol Schall and Mary Townley from Richmond. The two women have been together for 28 years and have a 16-year old daughter. They married legally in California in 2008, but Virginia refused to recognize that status. 
  • Judge Arenda L. Wright Allen presided over the case 
I think there's no need for me to reiterate my opinion on same-sex marriage. I'm a firm supporter of LGBT rights worldwide, and I'm proud of Virginia for taking this big step towards marriage equality. Combined with (US Attorney General) Eric Holder's recent decision to expand legal benefits to gay couples nationwide, this court case is revolutionizing our country's definition of freedom. 

So many talented and inspiring individuals have come out of the closet recently. Michael Sam, a defensive end for Missouri State, will likely play in the NFL and pave the way for more players to be open about their sexuality. Furthermore, Ellen Page bravely announced that she is gay at an HRC event this morning. Here's her speech:

That's about all I have to say. Here are some pictures to pay tribute to some of the amazing individuals I talked about above:

Terry McAuliffe

Michael Sam
Eric Holder

Mark Herring

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