
Friday, December 27, 2013

Best Political Moments of 2013

As a political wonk I love dissecting issues such as Snowden's NSA fiasco or Ryan's budget plan, but  I rarely have time to step back and evaluate the big picture, unless I'm lauding the many achievements that female politicians have made in the past few months. This blog is dedicated to a macroscopic outlook on American politics in 2013. I've pulled information from a few blogs that evaluate 2013 politics in different ways: what's whacky, what went right for women, etc. So here you go:

10 of the Best Political Moments for Women in 2013 (paraphrased, courtesy of Lane Florsheim):

1. Hillary Clinton endorsed marriage equality, got a twitter account, and announced that she'll declare her presidential decision sometitme in 2014.

2. Tammy Baldwin (D-WI) became the first openly LGBT person to take office in the US Senate

3. Rep. Krysten Sine,a (D-AR) took office as an openly bisexual congressperson 

4. New Hampshire elected a female governor- Maggie Hassan

5. The Supreme Court struck down DOMA and Prop 8 was rejected

6. Texas state Senator Wendy Davis (D) succeeded in epically filibustering an anti-abortion law. Athough her efforts were ultimately struck down by Governor Rick Perry, the event garnered national news coverage and plenty of attention nationwide.

7. The long standing ban on women in combat was lifted in January. #FemaleNavySeals2016

8. The Violence Against Women Act passed Congress.

9 President Obama appointed Susan Rice to be National Security Adviser and had Samantha Power (literal girl power....and Yale alumn!) replace Rie.

10. It refrained from paraphrasing this one: And, obviously, who could forget the awesome Golden Globes moment when Amy Poehler got onstage after Bill Clinton introducedLincoln and said, in complete awe, “Wow, what an exciting special guest. That was Hillary Clinton’s husband!”? 

NBC's 10 Oddest Political Momenys of 2013 (summed up in quotes):

1. ‘I knew that by putting something out as a tweet that I deleted that the press would see it, and if they could read something into what was an innocent tweet about how hot Cyndi Lauper was as a performer, that it would get the press’s attention, and it did in a monster way.’ – Rep. Steve Cohen, D-Tenn., April 12.

2. ‘I will eat them anywhere. I do so like green eggs and ham. Thank you, thank you, Sam I Am!’  - Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas. Sept. 24. (During a filibuster)

3. ‘Spread your legs — you're gonna be frisked!’ Vice President Joe Biden, Jan. 3.
(During a senatorial ceremony) 

4. ‘The president did not communicate with Jay-Z over this trip’ – White House press secretary Jay Carney, April 11. (After Jay-Z boasted "White House clearance to Cuba in one of his songs) 

5. The most shocking part of the story was learning that there is a vegan strip club in Portland.’ – Cory Booker spokesman Kevin Griffis, Sept. 25. (After Booker initiated Grated contact with a stripper in Portland) 

6. We started arguing about who won the Cold War, etc. And so we decided to settle it like men do when they’ve had too much to drink in the pub. And so we got down to these arm wrestling matches. And I ended up being paired up off with Putin.’ – Rep. Dana Rohrabacher, R-Calif.,  Sept. 12 ( this quote speaks for itself)

7. We’re glad Poland Spring was close at hand for Sen. Rubio last night at his moment of need for refreshment.’– Poland Spring statement, Feb. 13. (Rubio had a poorly timed lunge for bottles water during his State of the Union response) 

8. I know that this has been some of the conventional wisdom that’s been floating around Washington that somehow, even though most people agree that I’m being reasonable, that most people agree I’m presenting a fair deal, the fact that they don’t take it means that I should somehow, you know, do a Jedi mind meld with these folks and convince them to do what’s right.’ – President Barack Obama, March 1. (Obama got his sci fi facts wrong) 

9. ‘It's hard to take you seriously’ – NYC mayoral candidate Anthony Weiner, to a British reporter, Aug. 8. (Back at you, Wiener)

10. For every one who’s a valedictorian, there’s another 100 out there who weigh 130 pounds — and they’ve got calves the size of cantaloupes because they’re hauling 75 pounds of marijuana across the desert.” Rep. Steve King, R-Iowa, July 18. (Bizarre to say the least)

11. There could be Kool-Aid in the red cups, but there’s probably beer in the red cups.”  Maryland Democratic Attorney General Doug Gansler, Oct. 24. (After being photographed at a high school legged with his son) 

ABC's Political Highs and Lows in Social Media:

1. Hillary Clinton's twitter biography

2. George W Bush's new Instagram

3. The White House tries to make fetch happen

4. Senator Cory Booker tweeting about Beyonce 

5. Colbert convinced Bill Clinton to hop on the Twitter bandwagon

6. Selfless across the board: Hillary and Chelsea, Michelle and Barrack, John McCain and daughter

7. A White House National Security official was fired for creating an anonymous twitter account that took jabs at politicians

8. The RNC created the hash tag #RacismEndedWhen

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